Midway Characters (All New Coming Soon)

Welcome to Kersey Valley Spookywoods, where the thrill of Halloween comes alive in the most electrifying way! As you wind your way through the buzzing midway lines and vibrant carnival area, brace yourself for a parade of spine-chilling and sensational characters who are set to give you a heart-pounding adventure you won't soon forget.

Picture this: eerie dolls with haunting eyes, sinister spirits, and a host of other fantastically freaky figures, all meticulously crafted and brought to life by our exceptional team of performers. These aren’t just your average Halloween props—they’re interactive, immersive experiences waiting to give you thrills and chills. They’ll share spine-tingling tales, pose for epic photos to dazzle your social media, and keep you on the edge of your seat.

So, gear up for an unforgettable mix of laughter and terror as you delve into the twisted world of the midway characters at Kersey Valley Spookywoods!

Here are a few pro tips to make the most of your encounter with our midway fiends:

- **Show Respect:** These performers are at the top of their game, so give them the respect they deserve.
- **Embrace the Fear:** Our characters are designed to shock and surprise, so expect some good-natured scares!
- **Enjoy the Thrills:** Relax and have a blast—our characters are here to entertain and make your night a scream!

We can't wait for you to experience the excitement of Kersey Valley Spookywoods!

Scroll down to meet each of our captivating midway characters and discover the bosses of the show.


Endora was always fascinated by the world of witchcraft and magic. As a young girl, she dabbled in basic spells and potions, but she knew that she wanted to take her skills to a higher level. So, she devoted herself to the study of witchcraft, pouring over ancient texts and learning from experienced practitioners.
As her knowledge and power grew, Endora began to make a name for herself in the witching community. Eventually, she was approached by the owner of Kersey Valley Spookywoods, a Halloween-themed attraction that had been running since 1985. The owner was looking for a resident witch to add to the attraction and was impressed by Endora's skills and knowledge.
Endora made her home in the original farmhouse that started the attraction. Customers were amazed by her performances in Club Spooky, a haunted nightclub, and around the midway. Endora would cast spells and perform illusions that left visitors in awe. Her skills and knowledge of witchcraft had brought her to a higher level and she was now considered one of the best witches in the area.
As the years went by, Endora became a beloved figure at Kersey Valley Spookywoods, her performances and spells were a highlight of the attraction and visitors would come back year after year to see her. Endora's home, the original farmhouse, became a popular spot for visitors to take a tour and learn more about the history of the attraction and the witch that had made it her home.

Kersey Crow

Kersey Crow was not always the terrifying leader of the scarecrows that protect the crops at Kersey Valley Spookywoods. In fact, he was once a simple scarecrow, standing alone in a field of corn, swaying gently in the breeze. But one day, something strange happened.

As the sun began to set and the shadows grew long, Kersey felt a strange energy coursing through him. It was as if a new life had been breathed into his straw-stuffed body, and he could feel his arms and legs coming to life. Before he knew it, he was running and jumping through the fields, scaring away the crows that had once tormented him.

Over time, Kersey discovered that he had been imbued with powerful magic, one that allowed him to animate the other scarecrows in the fields and control them as if they were his own limbs. With his long legs and keen eyesight, he became the leader of the scarecrow army, protecting the crops from any who dared to trespass.

But while Kersey may be fearsome and intimidating, he is not without compassion. He knows the value of hard work and dedication, and he respects those who are willing to put in the effort to achieve their goals. And although he may seem like a creature of darkness, lurking in the shadows and waiting to strike, he is ultimately a protector and a defender, willing to do whatever it takes to keep his home and his people safe from harm.

Nurse Dryhieve

Nurse Dryhieve was once a respected nurse, known for her professionalism and dedication to her patients. But after years of working in the healthcare industry, she became disillusioned with the system and began to see patients as little more than objects to be used and discarded.

When the apocalypse hit and the world was plunged into chaos, Nurse Dryhieve saw an opportunity to indulge her darkest impulses. She took refuge at Kersey Valley Spookywoods, using her medical training to create a twisted "hospital" where she could torment guests who unwittingly became her patients.

She would lurk in the waiting area, watching as unsuspecting guests arrived and began to fill out their intake forms. And once they were under her care, she would subject them to a range of horrific medical procedures, from unnecessary surgeries to cruel experiments.

To Nurse Dryhieve, it was all just a game. She reveled in the power she held over her patients, enjoying the way they squirmed and screamed as she worked on them. And even when they begged for mercy, she would simply laugh and continue her sadistic work.

Despite her twisted nature, Nurse Dryhieve is also incredibly skilled at what she does. She knows just how to push her patients to the brink of madness without actually causing any lasting harm. And when they emerge from her "hospital", they are forever scarred by the experience, haunted by the memory of the twisted nurse who tormented them.

Boss Characters in the show (All New Coming Soon)

These larger-than-life characters are the stuff of nightmares, featuring intricate costumes, immersive makeup, and spine-tingling animatronics. As you go through the haunted attraction, you will face these fearsome figures, each with their unique backstory and motivations.

From the menacing witch Linda Darkmore to Asmodeus, the boss characters at Kersey Valley Spookywoods will test your courage and push you to scream your loudest.

So get ready to scream, run, and face your deepest fears because the boss characters of Kersey Valley Spookywoods are waiting for you.

Scroll down to learn about the boss characters you will encounter:

Dr. Gout

Dr. Gout is a survivor of the Apocalypse, much like Agent Orange. Unlike Orange, however, Gout's background is in medicine rather than combat. Before the world ended, Gout was a renowned doctor and researcher, with years of experience in a variety of medical fields.

When the Apocalypse hit, Gout used his expertise to help others survive. He quickly set up a medical facility in a fortified location inside Kersey Valley Spookywoods, using his extensive knowledge to treat injuries and illnesses that would otherwise be fatal. Over time, his medical facility has become a haven for survivors, providing vital care and resources to those in need.

Gout's medical facility is located deep in the heart of the Spookywoods, in a heavily fortified bunker that is well-equipped to deal with any threats that may arise. The facility contains state-of-the-art medical equipment and supplies, as well as a team of highly trained medical professionals who work under Gout's guidance.

Despite the dangers of the Spookywoods, Gout, and his team have managed to provide medical care and resources to countless survivors over the years. Their efforts have helped to save countless lives, and their reputation as skilled and compassionate healers has spread far and wide.

However, Gout's commitment to his work has taken a toll on him over the years. He has become somewhat reclusive, spending most of his time in his medical facility and rarely venturing outside. He can also be somewhat aloof and distant with others, preferring to focus on his work rather than socializing or forming close relationships.

Despite his flaws, Gout remains one of the most important and respected survivors in the Spookywoods. His medical expertise is vital to the survival of many, and his commitment to helping others has earned him a place of honor among the survivors.


Asmodeus is a powerful and mysterious boss character who presides over the Inferno, one of the most dangerous areas of Spookywoods.

Little is known about Asmodeus, as he rarely makes public appearances and only communicates through his trusted emissaries. Some say he is a demon or otherworldly being, while others believe he is a powerful human with supernatural abilities.

As boss of the Inferno, Asmodeus is in charge of a vast network of criminal enterprises and illegal activities. He controls the flow of contraband and weapons throughout Spookywoods and is not afraid to use violence and intimidation to maintain his grip on power.

Despite his fearsome reputation, there are some who believe that Asmodeus is a necessary evil in the Spookywoods. He is known for keeping the peace between rival factions and for providing protection to those who need it most. His followers are fiercely loyal to him, and many believe that his rule is the only thing standing between the Spookywoods and complete anarchy.

However, there are those who oppose Asmodeus and his regime. They see him as a tyrant who cares only for his own power and wealth, and who will stop at nothing to maintain his grip on the Spookywoods. These rebels are constantly plotting against Asmodeus, hoping to one day overthrow him and take control of the Inferno themselves.

Asmodeus remains an enigmatic figure, shrouded in mystery and darkness. Those who cross his path do so at their own risk, for he is a dangerous opponent with an army of loyal followers at his command.


In the heart of the ominous Spookywoods, where moonlight barely pierces the thick canopy of ancient trees and shadows dance with malevolent intent, there resides a creature of myth and terror: Lycan Shadowclaw.

Lycan is no ordinary denizen of the night; he is a formidable werewolf, feared and revered by all who dare venture into the depths of the forest. His origins shrouded in mystery, Lycan's transformation into a werewolf is rumored to be the result of a cursed bloodline, entwined with the very essence of the Spookywoods.

Standing at an imposing 7 feet tall, Lycan is a monstrous blend of human and wolf. His fur, as dark as the midnight sky, glistens with an eerie, otherworldly sheen. Muscles ripple beneath his fur-covered frame, bearing witness to his immense strength and agility. His piercing golden eyes gleam with an unnatural intelligence, betraying the savage beast within.

Lycan is not alone in the Spookywoods. He shares his haunted abode with Luna, a striking and enigmatic she-wolf. Luna, with her silvery-white fur and eyes that mirror the depths of the moonlit night, is the ethereal counterpart to Lycan's raw power. Together, they form a formidable pair, guarding their territory with unwavering determination.

Their cave, nestled deep within the bowels of the Spookywoods, is adorned with eerie relics and mysterious symbols, hinting at the ancient rituals and secrets that bind them to this cursed realm. The air inside the cave is thick with a palpable sense of dread, and the walls bear scars from countless battles with those foolish enough to intrude.

But beneath the fearsome exterior lies a tragic tale. Lycan and Luna, cursed by their lycanthropic heritage, yearn for release from their eternal torment. They are creatures of the night, bound to the Spookywoods, and their fate is as tragic as it is terrifying.

Few who venture into the Spookywoods ever return to tell the tale of encountering Lycan Shadowclaw and Luna. Those who do often speak of their haunting beauty and the forlorn sadness that seems to lurk behind their fearsome visage. In the heart of this cursed forest, Lycan and Luna await the day when they might break free from their lycanthropic bonds and escape the Spookywoods, forever haunted by the moonlight that both sustains and imprisons them.